MAPS (Mid America Paleontology Society), Sponsor of National Fossil Exposition

Field Trip Waiver

MAPS normally co-hosts one or two field trips per year with our sister clubs, either the Cedar Valley Rocks and Minerals Society, or the Black Hawk Gem & Mineral Society.

Typically we will visit River Products Inc Klein or Conklin Quarries in Coralville, IA, but on occasion trips to other localities will be made. Watch the club newsletter or News page for more information.

Please note that the MAPS annual field trip will be moving to the springtime, due to the annual Fossil EXPO moving into October.

The most likely time frame for the field trip will be April or May, depending on when the quarries will be made available.

Picture of the West Face of River Products Inc Conklin Quarry, Coralville, IA:

Above is a view of the Middle Devonian strata exposed in the west wall of the River Products Inc Conklin Quarry. Unit contacts are approximate. River Products Klein Quarry exposes a similar Middle Devonian geologic section.

Archived Field Trips